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Friday, September 25, 2009

The Night the Lights Went Out In Odenville

Hello, followers! You know who you are.... *raised eyebrow*

For those of you who are burning up with curiosity....

***Drum Roll Please****

Missy was last week's mystery blogger! Your prize is on the way. Keep lookin'.

If you missed it, Friday night was way fun! And if you didn't miss it... well, it was still way fun but you already knew that. So why are you bothering me? Where was I???? ... Oh yeah. There were 8 beautiful broads here along with boat-loads of food.

Tonight's menu:

Mexican Vegetarian Dip
Taco Soup
Chicken and Pasta
Homemade Pizza
Homemade Cookies
and ...
Hershey's Chocolate Pie!!!
1 Bottle of wine.

Video of the Night:

Go ahead. Watch it. You know you want to. It's hilarious!

Websites of the Night: (It's a two for one special!)

Now onto the commentary.

Tonight we had to call it early because the Sharp Boys have football games in the morning. Rain or shine. Oh, Yeah. Good times. We listened to our smokin' good playlist, with the exception of the last song, which is totally the Baptist's fault; but I won't name names. We watched our video of the night. OH! And we watched the New Moon fanmade trailer that is over 6 minutes long and consists of all the released footage (plus some bootleg) that was rearranged in order. It was niiiccceee.

About halfway through the night the power went out and about a minute later Dave walked in. It looked for all the world like he got scared of the dark and came in search of Wendy. It was very entertaining. I'm not sure if he thought so. He hung out in the kitchen until Wendy told him it looked creepy for him to stand in the dark recesses drinking a beer and listening. He left and went to the store for ice. (unimportant detail given as a bonus.)

We lit candles, drank the rest of the lukewarm coffee, ate the pie and listened to the kids sing Viva La Vida on the front porch.

Main Topic of the Night:
The upcoming Christmas Bazaar at the church. 12 of the 26 booths are already reserved. (Yes, Virge and Michelle, you were counted.)

So, there you have it. Friday night in a nutshell. We missed you. You shoulda been here. Well, not Heather cause she's sick and we can't have her bringing her vile germs around us. But we did miss her nonetheless.

Got any suggestions for songs to add to the playlist? Leave us a comment. Got favorite videos or pictures? Send them in. Our new email address is!

Friday, September 18, 2009

In case you are wondering

Welcome Friday Night lovely ladies to our brand spankin new, interactive, and frankly, quite kick a@@ blog. Not for the faint of heart. But if you have ever been to a Friday night event, you already know that.
What is the point you may ask? I feel the need to tell you. Full disclosure is after all, what we always offer on a typical Friday night.
Lets start with the name of our fun filled blog.

"Are you kidding me?"

How many times have you been sitting around the rectangular-green table, and heard this statement "Are you kidding me?" As a matter of fact, as I type that very statement I find myself in an argument with our hostess on the color of her table. Seriously, Are you kidding me? Come on now, show of hands...rectangular table- BLUE or GREEN? We'll take a vote.
The winner wins. What does the winner win? Your very own 6 foot 2 inch Edward Cullen wall cut out. (Tube of glitter will be thrown in as a bonus)

I have to interrupt.... I was there when Chris refurbished the table. It's BLUE! There... continue.

Thank you for that interruption hostess without the mostess.
Back to the subject at hand.
SOME of you missed Friday night tonight. And honestly, you were missed.
You see we all are special. Some more than others. But we all contribute to the fun around the rectangular-green table. We all at some point during the night say "Are you kidding me", and we all enjoy the mess out of the fun. Fun times. Yeah. Fun times.
So we thought, and I will quote "What if we started a Friday night blog?!"
Wasn't that brilliant?

~Moment of silence for the brilliance of this brilliant idea.~

There are some things you should know.

1. Every Friday night we will have a different blog hostess.
It's up to YOU to decide, "HMMMM, which one of my wonderful friends was tonight's guest writer?"
If you guess right, YOU get to sit next to that person the next Friday night. Seriously friends, this is the gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving some more.

2. Our blog posts will be signed with the following signature...
"Sssshhh, Chris is sleeping!.........DOOOR!!!!!
Really, does this need further explanation? If it does you are apparently deaf. Or dumb. I'll let you self diagnose.

3. If you are at home on a Friday night, then you are not here. Profound. Let that sink in...............................................................................................................................................
OK. Done? I know the first thing that you wonder about on a Friday night.
"I wonder what they ate?" Don't even tell me that you don't wonder about it. Everybody thinks about the chocolate. And the wine. And the salty stuff. And the meat. You do, admit it.
So we will fill you in, every Friday night.
It will go something like this:
Mexican Casserole
Red Beans and Rice
Gross, Piggly Wiggly Brand Oreos. ( Do NOT buy these! Splurge, get the real thing! Or the Aldi brand)
2 1/2 bottles of Arbor Mist Wine. Various flavors.

Enough said.
Other features you can expect to see on this, your new favorite website.

1. Favorite You tube clip of the night.

2. Favorite Web-site of the night.

3. Quote of the night.

4. Favorite topic of the night.

5. Other surprising things, that if you ever attend, you will know what we mean.

Lets re-cap.
Here is what you have to do.

1. Save this blog to your favorites.
I'll pause and give you a second.
In my mind I am playing the music of "Sting".
Got it in your favorites? Ok, good girl.

2. Guess the guest writer.
Leave your comment.

3. Stop being a slacker and missing Friday night.
Seriously, do you not know how good it is for you?
Studies show that 4 out of 5 dentist recommend Friday nights. The 5th dentist died suddenly. It was sad.

So come on girls, let us know what you think!!!!
And don't forget to come back. It's for your good and our selfish purposes.
Hey, add yourself to become a follower too. This is a case when being a follower is a good thing. So add yourself. Follow the blog. Follow us in our folly. Follow us in our fun.