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Friday, August 19, 2011

New Friends and Old Ones Too

Well, tonight is a small group, but it's also a funny night. Lots of giggling. Lots of sharing our hearts... and our food.

Hotdogs, Tilly's baked beans, yellow-meat watermelon, zucchini bread, and chips are on the menu tonight. Yum.

For all of you who couldn't be here, we missed you. Tonight, we have Tilly, Wendy, Tiffany, Kim P, and Crissy as the old friends. Ava and Rebecca are our new friends. Ava and Crissy have been long-distance friends for years, and Ava brought Rebecca with her. Yea!

We haven't visited any websites yet.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday, April 9th

It's been awhile since we've blogged. It's Crissy here. Not secrets or surprises. It was a small group tonight: just me, Wendy B, Heather N and Kim P. We spent most of the night talking about our Friday Night Regular Attenders Girl Trip. You have to earn Frequent Friday Miles through-out the year in order to redeem them for a trip.

In the course of our research for the perfect place to stay, we came across a delightfully descriptive Rental By Owner. Here are a few samples of the owner's enthusiastic review.

"Meanwhile if a bit of arthritis or too many hours at the dinner table have slowed down grandma and grandpa they can easily and gently stroll into and out of that joyous warm water up and down a slowly sloping ramp, steadying themselves and using their arms to pull themselves up against the force of gravity to exit the pool, with no tricky steps and without having to struggle up the 2 ladders the kids so love to clamber up and down."

Commentary on this particular one sentence paragraph went a little something like this:
"I can't finish this sentence in one breath. It's impossible." - The Long Talker
"The whole thing makes me twitch." - The English Teacher
"What if it's not just grandma? What if a younger person, who is grossly overweight, can't conquer gravity? Are they allowed? This is just too specific!" - The Worrier

Here's the link: Check it. You'll laugh. I promise. There are lots and lots of adjectives.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Fun Times

Ok, new post. What to write...what to write....Right, who was here. Well, let's see...there's Wendy Bivins, Boo, Crissy, Theresa, Kim, Trisha Chapman, and Michelle Davis and family.

Now for the menu, we had bacon mashed potatoes, cheese pizza, and a pound cake from Edgar's bakery. Oh-my-yumness!

We made foam football cut-outs for Ty's football team's Christmas parade float. (Wendy had to make several trips to her house for supplies. Thank goodness, she lives next door. lol) It's going to be a pretty cool-looking float. The weather is supposed to be bad at parade time: 41* and 80% chance of rain. In other words, cold and rainy!!! Very glad I'll be home where it's warm and dry. I'm not nearly as dedicated as Crissy.

Crissy is having a gathering next Friday night for those who can make it. Just bring whatever munchies you have or crave. Delish coffee and yummy creamers are always provided. If you bring preschool-age or older kids, be prepared for them to play outside since it will probably be cold then too. (i.e. coats, gloves, etc.)

Hope to see you there.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Who you missed tonight...(and who was missing you)

Crissy (of course)
and maybe Amber???

What you missed...

The Menu:
Delicious Thanksgiving leftovers

1. There was a surprising lack of New Moon talk.
2. Missy's diarrhea phone.
3. Judy and her tiny hands (you must watch this now).
4. I can has cheezburgers.
5. The people who crashed the State Dinner. Crazy! Although, I propose we attempt this some lovely Friday night. Wouldn't that be fun? And like Jack Handy says,"I think a good gift for the President would be a chocolate revolver. And since he's so busy, you'd probably have to run up to him real quick and hand it to him." "Is that bad?"
6. Great Thanksgiving inspired Cake Wrecks.

Next week is changed up a bit. Because of Ty's Birthday, Crissy will be leaving at 7:30 to go to a lock in. Sooo, we can still come but we'll need to come earlier and leave earlier.

We missed all of you who were not here. "We put worms in your bed and we slept in your bed and we put squirrels in your bed and mustard in your bed and we ate it. Du, du, du, du..." (If you don't get this refer to #3)

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Friday Night That Wasn't

'Twas Friday night and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. The table was clean and the counter was clear, in hopes that friends soon would be there.

The yard was empty, not a soul to be found. Just where are the children that love to run around? No yelling, no laughing, no squealing to be heard, to think children were being that quiet is just absurd.

I ran to my window to see why it was so quiet, when what to my wondering eyes did I see? No cars in the driveway and no one to be found, why where on earth could everyone be?

It is Friday night, certainly everyone knows. I'm missing my friends and know it shows.

SURPRISE!!! I hijacked the blog. (I being Wendy.) I tried to be a little creative and those few lines wore my brain out so I didn't quite go with the poem the whole way, but you get the point. I figured since we had too much fun to blog last week that I would do a blog this week about not having a Friday night. I know lots of people had other things going on tonight, like "The Greatest Show on Heaven and Earth" (did I get it right Missy?) Personally, I had to work so I missed out on the show. Somebody better tell me how great it was and how cute so and so looked and what what's his name did that was funny. I would hate to miss out on the highlights.

Don't forget tomorrow is the Christmas Bazaar at CPC. I'm planning on getting out of bed in time to shop a bit before I have to be at work. Notice I wrote hopefully I make it. Some mornings it is hard to talk myself out of bed, but I really want to see everyone's creativity at work. .oO(Must figure out something(s) crafty to make for next year...if I start in January I could have a big inventory...)

And now *Drum roll please*...we only have 6 days left 'til we get to party at Missy's house and go watch New Moon!! Wooohooo. It is probably a good thing we couldn't do Friday night because we would have spent the whole night talking about New Moon. Can we get a moment of silence for the Rob Patz fans? (Personally I don't get it...sorry ladies.) Also, ladies have you smelled Bath & Bodyworks newest fragrance? (It is called Twilight Woods.) You can view it online by clicking here, but sadly there is no scratch and sniff feature so please keep your noses off your monitors you will just have to visit the store to smell. The packaging is lovely though. It makes me feel a little dreamy. I bought some of the body wash and body splash the other night...sadly so far no sparkly vampire has come to visit me or any werewolf for that matter.

So how did you spend your Friday night? Inquiring minds want to know. (Really, I'm just nosy.)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside

Sorry for the random title, but I was trying to go for a play on words and it turned a little wonky in my mind. Oh, yeah...the word I was going for a play on was chili because there was lots of chili here. (Cold...chilly...chili...get it? LOL) I threw that in there just for Missy. (Guess you know Missy didn't write the blog then...) So on to the menu:

Chili w/ Peppers
Taco Soup
Chicken Enchilada Soup
Brownies w/ yummy goodness mixed in
Pumpkin Roll
Mike's Hard Pink Lemonade (Special for Breast Cancer Awareness Month-October)
Fuzzy Navels (Wine Coolers People - I don't even want to think about everyone's navel ok?)

Friday Night Chickas In Attendance:
Crissy - DUH, it's her house she has to be here...well except for that time they were late coming home from the beach
Heather Nold
Heather Davis
Jada ( Heather D's friend who snorted after some kinda joke...oh yeah, when we were discussing why Ty isn't short for Tyrone. See Jada we told you it would be in the blog.)
Kim Poston (phoned a friend about an injury so she was here via satellite...sort of) we don't really have a quote of the night or a website of the night this time. We didn't really touch a computer much tonight. With the exception of looking up an episode of Big Bang Theory, which if you haven't watched you really should because it is funny...unless you are a nerd and don't like being made fun of for being a nerd, then you shouldn't watch the show. The show airs on CBS, but apparently you cannot watch full episodes of this particular you'll have to be old fashioned and actually watch it when it airs live. (Since when did watching a show on tv at its actual air time, commercials and all, become old fashioned? Hmmm, yeah I don't know either but it did.)

Topics of discussion tonight:
Post Partum Depression
Struggles with children
Things women sometimes aren't told when sent home from the hospital after giving birth.
Epidural side effects - Shake much? Ewwww, I don't feel so good.
Lying - who knew your kid was sorta smart if they lie
Paddling Kids
A Cool New Invention for Moms (We can't tell you about it because we haven't sent in the patent for it yet.)
Ty is not short for Tyler or Tyrone
Kidnapping (scary!)
Scary Car Lady
Mug Shots
Traumatic Experiences from Childhood - like being told you're fat, or you have big ears, or you can't sing, or ___ ____ ____ (you fill in the blanks)
The Origin of "Friday Nights"

And many other topics I can't quite recall. As the attenders of Friday Nights, we feel lucky to have this outlet to discuss all these crazy topics knowing whatever we share is free from judgment. How many women do you interact with on a daily basis who have such great friends that they can call to share just about anything and know they won't be judged for it? Yeah, I don't know too many people who have this special community either, but isn't it great? Can you imagine how different the world would be if all women had a Friday Nights group? Hmmmm, lets ponder that for a moment. I'm pretty sure Oprah would be out of a job. (That or she'd host Celebrity Friday Nights.) Anyhow, we feel lucky, more sane at times, and we had a lot of fun . A lot. So I'm off to watch an episode of The Big Bang Theory...(Crissy has a disc from Netflix.)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ok. No mystery tonight. I, Crissy Sharp, am posting tonight. We had a slower night tonight. Fun but more low key. We'll take care of housekeeping first.

Beef Skillet Fiesta
Chips and Salsa
Pumpkin Roll (Go Wendy!)
Coronas with lime

Me (obviously)
Kim Poston
Heather Nold
and... drum roll...
Heather's friend Angie

Now onto the commentary: It was lovely meeting Angie. We've all heard about her before and now we have a face to go with the name. She was everything I expected a good friend of Heather's to be: friendly, witty, funny, etc. She made us laugh. (Angie, if you're reading this, I hope your flight was perfect... with or without the drugs.)

Our youtube clip of the night was chosen from the many that we watched. We laughed until we cried. We revisited some Brian Reagan clips that were particularly delightful. (ie. flying) But for the most part we watched Jim Gaffigan clips. A big shout out to KimHill for the FYI. So our clip of the night is: Watch and enjoy!

We didn't really discuss websites tonight; so no new websites. But you can always visit if you're needing a fix. Keep the kiddies away until you've previewed.

Our phrase of the night was "Stand down wind." You just had to be here to appreciate it. But it covered everything from smells to cremated ashes. Good times.

It is now... lemme see... 11:30 pm. Whitney left over an hour ago. Heather and Angie have been gone for a few minutes. Kim just walked out the door. Wendy's headed that way. It's been a good day... Missed you if you weren't here! Come next week. Seriously.